Who we are?
The Media Literacy Coalition brings together organizations in the fields of education, journalism and civic participation, academics and media literacy experts.
The Coalition is open to joining all organizations that support the mission and are active in the field of education.

The Coalition works to integrate media literacy fully into the educational process and to increase media literacy in society.
The aim is to develop critical thinking and creativity, first of all, for children and young people in the digital-media world, but also for all other age groups in Bulgaria.

- Developing digital media literacy from the beginning to the end of the educational process.
- Building partnerships and cooperation with all organizations and institutions relevant to education and media literacy in Bulgaria (ministries, non-governmental organizations, media, etc.).
- Promoting the importance of digital media literacy among different target groups (parents, teachers, media and the general public).

Why media literacy?
Media literacy helps children to:
- Develop critical thinking and teamwork skills that benefit them both in the virtual and in the real world.
- Understand how the various media messages are shaped and what the goals are.
- Recognize false and manipulated information and false suggestions.
- Use the wealth of information to learn, educate and develop.
- Protect themselves from online abuse.
- Become full participants, not just consumers in today’s information and media environment.
- Express positions on various issues that concern them.


Kristina Hristova
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:hristova@gramoten.li

Rumen Bakalov
Vice Chairman
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:rumen.bakalov@uchilishta.bg

Antoaneta Vasileva
Member of the Management board
- Phone:+359888
- Email:vassileva@gramoten.li

Iglika Ivanova
Member of the Management board
Iglika has many years of experience in creating and distributing media content. In the period 2019-2020 she was part of the author's team of the weekly online journalistic magazine Toest. Since the beginning of 2020 she has been actively participating in the development of educational resources, in the implementation of the initiatives and campaigns of MLC, and is maintaining the website Gramoten.li. Iglika is an affiliated member of the Media Education Lab at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI Иглика има дългогодишен опит в създаването и разпространението на медийно съдържание. В периода 2019-2020 г. е част от авторския колектив на седмичното онлайн публицистично списание „Тоест“. От началото на 2020 г. участва активно в разработването на образователни ресурси, в осъществяването на инициативите и кампаниите на КМГ, поддържа сайта Gramoten.li. Иглика е афилииран член на Media Education Lab към University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:ivanova@gramoten.li

Angel Georgiev
Member of the Management board
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:e.zdravkova@unibit.bg

Evelina Blagoeva
Member of the Management board
"I believe that young people in Bulgaria deserve a better media alternative, and that with our help they can create one. This is the most inspiring and important project I've worked on. Over the years, radio and television have let me meet exceptional professionals and I am happy that they are now on the project's mentoring team."
- Phone:+359888********
- Email:evelinapavlova@abv.bg

Nikoleta Daskalova
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:nikoletatd@yahoo.com

Prof. Nelly Ognyanova
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:nelly.ognyanova@gmail.com

Ivan Radev
- Phone:+359888********
- Email:iradev@gmail.com

Asst. Prof Dr. Dimitrina Papagalska
От 2021 е част от административния екип на Фондация "Лъчезар Цоцорков", където изпълнява длъжността "оперативен мениджър".
Притежава над 7 години опит в управлението и администрирането на проекти, както и в организирането и координирането на обучения и мероприятия.

Prof. Orlin Spasov
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:orlinspassov@yahoo.com

Prof. Daniel Danov
Author of the books "Media Communication Pedagogy", "Children and the Media", "Effective Communication Pedagogy", "Information Radio – А Look inside", "Media Literacy: Genesis, Rethinking Experience, Challenges and Perspectives".
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:orlinspassov@yahoo.com

Ivana Popova
- Phone:+359888********
- Email:ivanapopova18@gmail.com

Yoana Marinova
Member of the Management board
Yoana is the recipient of the United Nations award from the Universal Cultural Forum in Spain, the Harvard Harbus Award for Excellence in Journalism and Education, and a citation from the State of Massachusetts for achievements in the work with young people.
After more than 25 years, she returned to Bulgaria to serve as a Chief Operating Officer at the Creative Training Center. Her work with the CCT is aimed at modernizing the Bulgarian educational system by integrating classroom technologies and teacher development. Joanna is currently the CEO of the Lachezar Tsotsorkov Foundation, where she continues to contribute to the social development in Bulgaria.
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:j.marinova@tsotsorkovfoundation.bg

Ivana Popova
- Phone:+359888********
- Email:ivanapopova18@gmail.com

Martin Dimitrov
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:martolindim@gmail.com

Evi Karageorgоu
Evi has graduated European Studies in Slovenia and Cultural Policy in Slovenia and Belgium. She continues to study cultural policies in southern Europe and how film art reflects socio-political problems in the region.
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:p.karageorgu@gmail.com

Evelina Zdravkova
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:e.zdravkova@unibit.bg

Ph.D Lilia Lozanova
Her scientific publications are related to media literacy, media education, mobile training and the study of student's values, etc. Associate professor Lozanova is a journalist with nearly 20 years of experience in regional, national and international media (Russell Media Bulgaria). She has won various journalistic awards and in the recent years has won prizes in in the national b2 journalism competition "Green Pen" .
- Phone:+359*********
- Email:lilia llozanova72@abv.bg

Katya Stoyanova
- Email:kdstoyanov@uni-sofia.bg

Susan Ismetova
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:zoser777@gmail.com

Jivka Adjelarova
- Phone:+359888***********
- Email:jivka_adjelarova@abv.bg

Association of European journalists - Bulgaria
- Phone:+359884362843
- Email:team@aej-bulgaria.org

The Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre
- Phone:+3592973 3000
- Email:safenet@online.bg

Parents Association
Our main goals are: To develop and promote the idea of parenthood as a fundamental spiritual value in society and the family as a natural environment for the upbringing of children.
- Phone:+35988829441799
- Email:office@roditeli.org

- Phone: +359 883 34 85 58
- Email:usmivka@uchilishta.bg

Teen Station

Center for Creative Training
- Phone:+359882506425
- Email:info@cct.bg

Knigovishte & Vijte
- Phone:+359887214020
- Email:info@knigovishte.bg

- Phone:+359
- Email:start@znam.be

Media Democracy Foundation
- Email:office@fmd.bg

ELA Association for Shared Learning
- Phone:+359 2870 20 63
- Email:office@cie-bg.eu

Bulgarian-Romanian Observatory of Digital Media

Association for Career Development and Training
Our programs develop communication skills, leadership, teamwork, initiative, entrepreneurship and other social skills and competences. We define media literacy as a key skill in the 21st century.
We work with all formal educational institutions to add value to the educational process.
- Phone:+3592973 3000
- Email:safenet@online.bg

Applied education academy
- Email:academy@sindeo.org

Sofia Development Association
- Phone:+359
- Email:office@sofia-da.eu

Civil Action Network

National Network for Children
OUR GOALS Development of policies for children and families; Changing public attitudes towards the rights of the child; Development of a model for participation of children; Development of a National Network for Children; Increasing its capacity; Promoting the public image of the National Network for Children.

Zaedno v chas/Teach For Bulgaria
TEACH FOR BULGARIA'S MISSION is to recruit, train, and develop capable and motivated professionals who are committed to work long-term towards positive change in education in Bulgaria.
- Phone:+359


Applied Research and Communications Foundation

- Phone:+359

THE STORKS Association for Culture and Involvement

- Phone:+359