On October 11, Tuesday, Friedrich Naumann Freedom Foundation and Media Literacy Coalition Bulgaria are organizing an expert meeting at which the challenges, perspectives and good practices in developing media literacy among citizens in Bulgaria and Germany will be outlined. The event will be held in a hybrid format from 10:00 and will be livestreamed on the Coalition’s Facebook page.

The discussion will also be focused on reaffirming the importance and clarifying the role of the different stakeholders in the development and implementation of the media literacy policy developed, on the one hand, by the European Union, and on the other – at the national level.

The meeting will be held in two sessions with a total duration of 180 minutes and a short break between them:

  •         presentations of the panelists – experts from Germany and Bulgaria, and a moderated discussion between them
  •         a round table with the participation of all present representatives of the Ministry of Culture’s Media Literacy Expert Council, the Media Literacy Coalition and invited experts with interest and experience in the field

Those watching the livestream of the event online will also be able to submit questions via Sli.do and comments on Facebook.

The panelists:

Jannis Hahn

Jannis Hahn is a research assistant and a PhD student at the Chair of School Pedagogy at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. Between 2017 and 2018, he was a guest lecturer at the University of Albany, State University of New York.

Janis is an associate member of the German Society for Educational Research (DGfE) – Media Education Section, School Education Section, and of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) – Media Education Section, School Pedagogy Section. He is a member of the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) and of the support group of the Academy for Political Education (ApB).

Isabella Schmid

Isabella Schmid is the head of the media literacy projects (Medienkompetenz) of the Bayerischer Rundfunk – the Bavarian public broadcaster based in Munich, member of the consortium of public broadcasters in Germany ARD, vice-chair of the board of the Listening Foundation and board member of Mediencampus Bayern.

Since 1984 she had worked as a reporter and editor at Bayerischer Rundfunk. In 1988 she went to study and work in the USA. Since 1998 she has worked as editor-in-chief, initially for the regional programme in Munich and Upper Bavaria, and since 2012 as a head of media competence projects.

Ivan Valchanov

Dr. Ivan Valchanov is a lecturer and chief assistant in the Media and Public Communications Department of the University of National and World Economy. He holds a PhD in Media and Communications with a thesis on Identification of the journalistic profession in a converged media environment and has many years of experience as journalist in print and online media outlets. His research interests are in the field of media education, media innovation and transformations of the journalism profession. He is part of the team of the Media and Public Communications Department of the University of National and World Economy, which in 2022 conducted a survey and have been working on a monograph on teacher attitudes and practices regarding the study of media literacy in secondary schools.

Prolet Velkova

Prolet Velkova has been a well known and acclaimed journalist for many years – first at the Bulgarian National Radio, where she began her journalistic career as the host of one of the first journalistic programs on the public service radio, and subsequently and to this day at Darik Radio – the largest private radio station in Bulgaria. Prolet Velkova is a participant and initiator of various civic activities in the field of democratic values, media, human rights, education, ecology. She was elected as a member of the Electronic Media Ethical Commission in its first composition and was honored with numerous awards from the journalistic guild and civil sector organizations. Since 2022, she has been a member of the Electronic Media Council.

Iglika Ivanova

Iglika Ivanova is a doctoral student and lecturer at the Department of European Studies of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski. She joined the Media Literacy Coalition in 2019, and in 2022, became a member of the organization’s board. She participates in the development of the projects and programs of the Coalition in the field of formal and informal education, the organization and of the annual campaign Media Literacy Days and MLC’s national conferences, conducts training for teachers and research in the field of media, information and digital literacy skills and game based learning, develops educational resources. She published scientific journal articles both on the topic of media literacy and online platforms liability and self-regulatory measures to remove illegal and harmful content online at the European Union level. In 2021, Iglika became a member of the Media Literacy Expert Council at the Ministry of Culture, and is currently holding the position of the Co-Director of the Media Education Lab at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, co-organizing the Northeast Media Literacy Conference in 2023.

The panel discussion and the round table will be moderated by Antoinetta Vassileva and Iglika Ivanova – Media Literacy Coalition Board members

Read more about the collaboration between FNF and MLC:

Highlights from the 2021 National Conference “Media Literacy against Disinformation”

Civil society, businesses, institutions, media and international organizations met at the 2020 National Conference on Media Literacy

We support:

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Global Campaign 2022

Europe is facing a multitude of serious challenges: The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the Covid pandemic represent the most recent crises, which have detrimental effects on people’s lives and our liberal order. Within its own borders, anti-democratic populism and illiberal developments are challenging the EU as a self-proclaimed “community of values”. In the new world order, which is characterized by strategic rivalry between authoritarian states on the one hand and liberal democracies on the other, these are alarming signals. Whether Europe succeeds in facing up to these challenges is therefore of global significance. The EU must show that free and democratic societies are best equipped to master major challenges.

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