4 February – 17 March 2018
Contractor: Coalition for Media Literacy in Education
In connection with the celebration of The International Safe Internet Day, which is on the 6thof February, The Media Literacy Coalition organized a national campaign \“Media Literacy Days\“.
The goal of the campaign in 2018 was to promote the necessity to include media literacy in the educational process, to introduce teachers to teaching methods, and to provide sample programs for celebrating Media Literacy Days. It was aimed at teachers and educational experts, as well as students and their parents. All members of the coalition took part in various activities during Media Literacy Days 2018. The campaign was carried out without outside support, only through the efforts and resources of its members.
The launch of a national campaign in schools was announced on The Safe Internet Day. For this purpose, schools have had short presentations and plans for interactive classes with pupils of all ages on critical thinking, searching, evaluating and creating content, using the Internet safely.
On February 6, a national student competition for creating media content – video, audio or text, organized by the Children\’s Voice Foundation was launched. The best materials are published on the Teenstation.net youth media platform.
The DigitalKidz Foundation launched the 6-month School with Open Code Program, where trainings for teachers and pupils were organized in dozens of schools in the country.
Within the Days of Media Literacy, the State Agency for Child Protection and Children\’s Council of SACP organized, with the support of BNT, DGCOC and IT company Bulbera, discussions with parents and children in 15 regions of the country on online safety issues.
The closing event of Media Literacy Days was a national parenting forum on March 17, featuring over 250 parents, organized jointly by Telenor Bulgaria, online media \“Maiko Mila\“ and The Center for Safe Internet. Experts presented important topics related to children\’s safety on the Internet and a public discussion was held with parents on the safety of their children in the digital space.