
The Media Literacy Coalition implements the project „Media Literacy through Distance Learning“

The Media Literacy Coalition is developing a methodology for the development of media literacy through distance learning for junior high school students. The methodology is part of a project implemented by MLC with the financial support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation under the program \“The Next 10 – in Support of Significant Ideas in the Next Ten Years: Online Learning\“.

The methodology uses the basic principles of the methodological manual for students of pedagogical specialties and teachers in the initial course \“From digital competence to digital citizenship\“, developed by the Foundation \“Applied Research and Communications\“ and the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Pedagogy of Sofia University \“St. Kliment Ohridski ”. These principles will be adapted for online lessons.

The main goal of the project \“Media literacy through distance learning\“ is the development of digital media literacy among students through distance learning. According to a study by the Media Literacy Coalition among teachers and students, conducted in June 2020, distance learning was not used for the development of basic skills such as critical evaluation of information on the Internet, content creation and collaborative work.

Survey: Only 8% of teachers have trained students to check sources of information

Research shows that distance learning has not led to the development of media literacy among students 

MLC\’s methodology for teaching in a digital environment develops 5 basic skills in media literacy according to the European Framework for Digital Competence of the EU (DigComp) and the digital literacy model of the European Spectators Association (EAVI). These are 1) Information literacy; 2) Communication and cooperation; 3) Creating digital content; 4) Safety and 5) Troubleshooting.

Teachers will be able to get acquainted with the methodology and master its application through an online training module. In cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, five webinars will be held, through which 100 teachers from all over the country will be trained in practical skills. Upon completion of the training, teachers will create sample lessons for the development of media literacy through distance learning.

Under the project \“Media Literacy through Distance Learning\“ two video lessons on cybersecurity will be created together with Ucha.se, suitable for high school students. They will be available without a subscription in the \“Valuable and interesting\“ section and for free in the Media Literacy Coalition Youtube Channel.

The Safe Internet Center Bulgaria (founding member of the Media Literacy Coalition) and Prof. Danail Danov (member of MLC from the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Pedagogy at Sofia University \“St. Kliment Ohridski\“) are involved in the methodology development project.

They created the \“Methodological manual for students of pedagogical specialties and primary school teachers: From digital competence to digital citizenship\“

The Safer Internet Center has developed a variety of manuals and plans for digital media literacy lessons for students, teachers and parents. Similar lessons and other useful resources for developing digital skills and media literacy can be found here.

Media Literacy through Distance Learning project is funded by America for Bulgaria Foundation under the program „The Next 10 – in Support of Significant Ideas in the Next Ten Years: Online Learning“. With this new program, America for Bulgaria Foundation funds project proposals that will contribute to inventing, developing and testing interactive and adaptive methodologies for effective teaching in the electronic environment.

Support for the Funded party (Media Literacy Coalition) is provided by America for Bulgaria Foundation. Statements and opinions expressed here, belong solely to the Funded party (Media Literacy Coalition) and do not reflect necessarily the views of the America for Bulgaria Foundation or its partners.

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