
Digital security training for journalists and civil society activists in regional cities

Media Literacy Coalition invites journalists and civil activists from Plovdiv, Blagoevgrad and Burgas to take part in a one-day free cybersecurity workshop on How to ensure our safety in the digital world. The training is initiated by the Media Literacy Coalition within the project \“SMART – Regional Communities\“ with the support of Alumni Thematic International Exchange Seminars (Alumni TIES) small grants program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State. It lasts three hours and is part of Media Literacy Days 2021 campaign.

Training calendar: 

[one_third]Plovdiv, 12 March; 9.30-12.30 h.

[button title=\“REGISTER NOW\“ icon=\“icon-rocket\“ icon_position=\“right\“ link=\“https://forms.gle/4tpL229CKSkX7J4r6\“ color=\“#00b7b6\“ font_color=\“#ffffff\“ large=\“1\“][/one_third]

[one_third]Blagoevgrad, 23 April, 9.30-12.30 h.

[button title=\“REGISTER NOW\“ icon=\“icon-rocket\“ icon_position=\“right\“ link=\“https://forms.gle/ajp6oU38YSyoGsSE9\“ color=\“#00b7b6\“ font_color=\“#ffffff\“ large=\“1\“][/one_third]

[one_third]Burgas, 11 June, 9.30-12.30 h.

[button title=\“REGISTER NOW\“ icon=\“icon-rocket\“ icon_position=\“right\“ link=\“https://forms.gle/xuUz3QwtmDpnMQFP9\“ color=\“#00b7b6\“ font_color=\“#ffffff\“ large=\“1\“][/one_third]

The training in Plovdiv will be held at the following address: 38 Ruski Blvd. During the training, the all necessary anti-epidemic measures will be observed: distance, ventilation and wearing masks.

Participants are welcome for morning coffee 30 minutes before the start of the training. In case the epidemic situation does not allow for in-person trainings, they will take place online.

Those wishing to participate are only required to complete this form. The seats are limited. Working language: Bulgarian.

Training program: 

  • Types of cybercrime (identity theft, phishing, PUP, fraudulent messages, etc.) and ways to protect ourselves from them
  • Vulnerability and browser settings
  • Basic principles of security when surfing the Internet
  • What are cookies and should we accept them unreservedly?
  • How to securely manage our passwords in the online space?
Expected results:  
At the end of this training, each participant will be aware of the main risks in the cyberspace and will have the opportunity to identify several measures to take to ensure their cybersecurity according to their personal needs.

About the trainer:

Borislav Georgiev graduated in psychology from the University of Strasbourg, France, in 2008. Since then he has been working on projects as an organizational consultant in both business and the civil sector. Since 2008 he has been part of AEJ Bulgaria, and is mainly engaged in projects related to media literacy and the development of specific skills among the community of journalists in Bulgaria.



The project \“SMART – Regional Communities\“ has received funding from the Alumni Thematic International Exchange Seminars (Alumni TIES) small grants program of the U.S. Department of State. 

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Image: Standret at www.freepik.com

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