
A working group from Sofia University presents the possibilities of the project European Media Coach Initiative [webinar]

The development of media literacy in Bulgaria and the opportunities of the project European Media Coach Initiative (EMCI) will be presented at two national webinars, scheduled for 07.04.2021 and 14.04.2021. The events are included in the program of the \“Media Literacy Days 2021\“ campaign and have the same program and starting time: 10.00 am.

Panelists in the webinars are the members of a working group composed of the Bulgarian representatives in the project – Prof. Danail Danov, Prof. Dr. Teodora Petrova, Prof. Dr. Madeleine Danova and Assistant Professor Dr. Simeon Hinkovski. They will acquaint the participants in detail with the goals, organization, implementation and results of the initiative, giving the reference points for discussion on the topic.

The events are part of a three-year international project involving Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Portugal and Romania, consulted by the European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI). The Bulgarian side is represented by three faculties of Sofia University \“St. Kliment Ohridski ”- the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology and the Faculty of Science, Education and Arts.

The project, based on one of the most successful practices in the field of media literacy in Europe – the Dutch MediaCoach Training Initiative, is focused on creating a comprehensive training program, training more than 100 professionals working with youth in Bulgaria able to apply it in different contexts and among various target groups, and creating an environment of sustainable development for the systematic and progressive development of media literacy in the participating countries.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Sofia Inspectorate of Education, teachers, students, representatives of the NGO sector, media, as well as other specialists – pedagogues, psychologists, IT, etc. are invited to the event. Pre-registration is not required.

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