The video was prepared by and Media Literacy Coalition for High School Students
There are few things that kids like to do more while online than looking at and posting photos. It\’s no coincidence that teenagers prefer and use Instagram more actively over Facebook and are tirelessly taking photographs anywhere, anytime. What many children do not realize or neglect are the risks they take by sharing photos of themselves and others without assessing who they will reach, what information they reveal, how they can be used against them. And because constant moral talking about risks and dangers from adults can be very annoying, this video lesson introduces students to the topic in a very funny and unobtrusive way.
It also presents a practice that directly affects parents – the so-called \“ where parents post large amounts of photos of their children from their earliest age. In other words, parents and in general people involved in raising and educating children are invited to see this video tutorial, because it will be useful to them too.
This video was created by in cooperation with the Media Literacy Coalition under the Media Literacy Days 2021 project. The campaign is implemented with the financial support of the American Embassy in Bulgaria (The Bulgaria Small Grants Program). The video tutorial is part of the Learn 21st Century Skills section of platform.
The video is suitable for a media literacy class or civic education. The Media Literacy Coalition recommends that it be viewed in the family and discussed in an informal environment.